Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Virtual Special Issue, 2024, Guest Editors Z. Yosibash, E. Rank, G. Georgiou and C. Xenophontos. Special issue dedicated to HOFEIM 2023 – High-Order Finite Elements and Isogeometric Methods, 2023
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 80, No 11, 2020, Guest Editors A. Duester, A. Reali, G. Sangalli and Z. Yosibash. Special issue dedicated to HOFEIM 2019 – International Workshop on High-Order Finite Elements and Isogeometric Methods, 2019
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 74, No 7, 2017, Guest Editors E. Rank, A. Duester, A. Reali and Z. Yosibash. Special issue dedicated to HOFEIM 2016 – International Workshop on High-Order Finite Elements and Isogeometric Methods, 2016
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 70, No 7, 2015, Guest Editors A. Duester, S. Kollmannsberger, A. Reali and Z. Yosibash. Special issue dedicated to HOFEIM 2014 – International Workshop on High-Order Finite Elements and Isogeometric Methods, 2014
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. , 198, No 13-14, 2009, Guest Editors E. Rank, Z. Yosibash and A.Duester: Selected papers from HOFEM07 – International workshop on high-order finite element methods, 2007 .
Int. Jour. Num. Meth. Eng. , 53, No 1, 2002, Guest Editors Z. Yosibash and M.Suri: Selected papers from p-FEM2000 – International Conference on p and hp Finite Element Methods: Mathematics and Engineering Practice.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 46, No 1, 2003, Guest Editors Z. Yosibash and M.Suri: Selected papers from p-FEM2000 – International Conference on p and hp Finite Element Methods: Mathematics and Engineering Practice.

Singularities  – 2D and 3D
Yosibash Z. and Schiff B., “A super element for two-dimensional singular boundary value problems in linear elasticity”, International Journal of Fracture,62, 325-340, (1993).
Yosibash Z. and Szabo B. A., “Numerical analysis of singular points”, Recent Developments in Computational Mechanics, P. K. Basu and A. Nagar editors, AD-Vol. 39, ASME, 29-44, (1993).
Yosibash Z. and Szabo B. A., “The solution of axisymmetric problems near singular points and computation of stress intensity factors”,Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,19, 115-129, (1995). [Pdf file – 675 KB]
Yosibash Z. and Szabo B. A., “Numerical analysis of singularities in two dimensions, Part 1: Computation ofeigenpairs”,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 38, 2055-2082, (1995).
Yosibash Z. and Szabo B. A., “Generalized stress intensity factors in linearelastostatics”,International Journal of Fracture,72, 223-240, (1995).
Szabo B. A. and Yosibash Z., “Numerical analysis of singularities in two dimensions, Part 2: Computation of generalized flux/stress intensity factors”,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 39, 409-434, (1996). [Pdf file – 1.2 MB]
Szabo B. A. and Yosibash Z., “Superconvergent computations of flux intensity factors and first derivatives by the FEM”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, ,129, 349-370, (1996). [Pdf file – 1.5 MB]
Yosibash Z., “Numerical thermo-elastic analysis of singularities in two-dimensions”, International Journal of Fracture,74, 341-361, (1996).
Yosibash Z. and Szabo B. A., “A note on numerically computed eigenfunctions and generalized stress intensity factors associated with singular points”,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,54, 593-595, (1996).
Yosibash Z., “On solutions of two-dimensional linear elastostatic and heat-transfer problems in the vicinity of singular points”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 34, No. 2, 243-274, (1997). [Pdf file – 1.3 MB]
Yosibash Z. and Schiff B., “Super-Elements for the Finite Element Solution of Two-Dimensional Elliptic Problems with Boundary Singularities”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 26, 315-335, (1997). [Pdf file – 955 KB]
Yosibash Z., “Numerical analysis on singular solutions of the Poisson equation in two dimensions”, Computational Mechanics, 20,320-330, (1997). [Pdf file – 316 KB]
Yosibash Z., “Numerical analysis of edge singularities in three-dimensional elasticity”,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,40, 4611-4632, (1997). [Pdf file – 5.8 MB]
Yosibash Z., “Computing edge singularities in elastic anisotropic three-dimensional domains”, International Journal of Fracture,86, 221-245, (1997). [Pdf file – 416 KB]
Yosibash Z., Arad M., Yakhot A., Ben-Dor G., “An accurate semi-analytic finite difference scheme for treatment of two-dimensional elliptic problems with singularities”, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 14, 281-296, (1998). [Pdf file – 499 KB]
Yosibash Z., “Thermal generalized stress intensity factors in 2-D domains”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 157, 365-385, (1998). [Pdffile – 1.1 MB]
Arad M., Yosibash Z., Ben-Dor G., and Yakhot A., “Computing flux intensity factors by a boundary method for elliptic equations with singularities”, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 14, 657-670, (1998). [Pdf file – 212 KB]
Schiff B. and Yosibash Z., “Eigenvalues for waveguides containing re-entrant corners by a finite element method with superelements”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.,48,214-220, (2000). [Pdf file – 141 KB]
Yosibash Z., “Computing singular solutions of elliptic boundary value problems in polyhedral domains using the p-FEM”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 33, 71-93, (2000). [Pdf file – 307 KB]
Yakhot A. and Yosibash Z., “The Poisson equation with localnonregular similarities”, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 17, 336-346, (2001). [Pdf file – 179 KB]
Yosibash Z., Actis R. and Szabo B, “Extracting edge flux intensity functions for the Laplacian”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 53, Issue 1, 225-242, (2002). [Pdf file – 245 KB]
Yosibash, Z., Adan O., Shneck R. & Atlas H., “Thermo-Mechanical Failure Criterion at the Micron Scale in Electronic Devices”,International Journal of Fracture, 122, 47-64, (2003). [Pdf file – 577 KB]
Leguillon D. and Yosibash Z, “Crack onset at a V-notch. Influence of the notch tip radius.”, International Journal of Fracture, 122, 1-21, (2003). [Pdf file – 371 KB]
Costabel, M., Dauge M. and Yosibash, Z., “A quasidual function method for extracting edge stress intensity functions”, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 35, No 5, 1177-1202, (2004). [Pdf file – 278 KB]
Yosibash, Z., Bussiba, A and Gilad, I., “ Failure criteria for brittle elastic materials”, International Journal of Fracture, 125, No 3-4, 307-333, (2004). [Pdf file – 461 KB]
Omer N., Yosibash Z, Costabel M. and Dauge, M., “Edge Flux Intensity Functions in Polyhedral Domains and their Extraction by a Quasidual Function Method”, International Journal of Fracture, 129, pp. 97-130, (2004). [Pdf file – 1.05MB]
Yosibash Z, Omer N., Costabel M. and Dauge, M., “Edge Stress Intensity Functions in Polyhedral Domains and their Extraction by a Quasidual Function Method”, International Journal of Fracture, 136, pp. 37-73, (2005). [Pdf file – 1.62MB]
Omer N. and Yosibash Z, “On the path independency of the point-wise J-integral in three-dimensions”, International Journal of Fracture, 136, pp. 1-36, (2005). [Pdf file – 476KB]
Yosibash Z, Priel E. and Leguillon D., “A Failure Criterion for Brittle Elastic Materials under Mixed-mode Loading”, International Journal of Fracture, 141, pp. 291-312 (2006). [Pdf file – 1.04MB]
Yosibash Z and Omer N., “Numerical methods for extracting edge stress intensity functions in anisotropic three dimensional domains”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196, pp. 1261 – -1277, (2007). [Pdf file – 0.93 MB]
Priel E., Bussiba A., Gilad I. and Yosibash Z, “Mixed mode failure criteria for brittle elastic V-notched structures”, International Journal of Fracture, 144, pp. 247-265, (2007).[Pdf file – 0.8 MB].
Yosibash Z, Omer N. and Dauge M., “Edge stress intensity functions in 3-D anisotropic composites”, Composites Science and Technology, 68, pp. 1216-1224 (2008). [Pdf file – 706 KB].
Omer N. and Yosibash Z, “Edge singularities in 3-D elastic anisotropic and multi-material domains”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197, pp. 959-978, (2008), [Pdf file – 1.2 MB].
Priel E., Yosibash Z and Leguillon D., “Failure Initiation at a Blunt V-notch Tip Under Mixed Mode Loading”, International Journal of Fracture, 149, pp. 143-173, (2008). [Pdffile – 1.2MB].
Apel T., Leguillon D., Pester C. and Yosibash Z., “Edge singularities and structure of the 3-D Williams expansion”, Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 336, pp. 629-635 (2008). [Pdffile – 180KB].
Yosibash Z., Shannon S., Dauge M. and Costabel M., “Circular edge singularities for the Laplace equation and the elasticity system in 3-D domains”, International Journal of Fracture, 168, pp. 31-52, (2011). [Pdf file – 660KB].
Zaltzman T. and Yosibash Z., “Vertex singularities associated with conical points for the 3-D Laplace equation”, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 27, 662-679, (2011). [Pdf file – 300 KB].
Shannon S., Yosibash Z., Dauge M. and Costabel M., ” Extracting generalized edge flux intensity functions with the quasidual function method along circular 3-D edges “, International Journal of Fracture, 181, pp. 25-50, (2013). [Preprint – Pdf file – 560KB].
Yosibash Z. and Shannon S., “Computing edge stress intensity functions (ESIFs) along circular 3-D edges”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 117, pp. 127-151, (2014). [Preprint – Pdf file – 821KB].
Mittelman Brigit and Yosibash Z. ,“Asymptotic analysis of the potential energy difference because of a crack at a V-notch edge in a 3D domain”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 131, pp. 232-256, (2014). [Preprint – Pdf file – 3.6MB].
Shannon, S., Peron, V. and Yosibash Z, “Singular asymptotic solution along an elliptical edge for the Laplace equation in 3-D”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 134, pp. 174-185, (2015). [Preprint – Pdf file – 734KB]
Mittelman Brigit and Yosibash Z. ,“Energy release rate cannot predict crack initiation orientation in domains with a sharp V-notch under mode III loading”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 141, pp. 230-241, (2015). [Preprint – Pdf file – 1.0MB]
Shannon, S., Peron, V. and Yosibash Z, “The Laplace equation in 3-D domains with cracks: Dual singularities with log terms and extraction of corresponding edge flux intensity functions”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 34, pp. 4951–4963 (2016). [Preprint – Pdf file – 450KB]
Yosibash Z. and Mittelman B., “A 3D Failure Initiation Criterion from a Sharp V-notch Edge in Elastic Brittle Structures”, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 60, pp. 70-94, (2016). [Preprint Pdf file – 2 MB]
Yosibash Z. and Mittelman B., “A Revised Failure Criterion for Brittle Elastic Materials Under Mixed-mode Loading in 2-D”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 84, pp. 149–156, (2016). [Preprint Pdf file – 290 KB]
Omer N. and Yosibash Z., “Singular asymptotic expansion of the elastic solution along an edge around which material properties depend on the angular coordinate”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 22, Num 12, pp. 2288–2308, (2017). [Preprint Pdf file – 1.6 MB]
Leguillon D. and Yosibash Z., “Failure initiation at V-notch tips in quasi-brittle materials”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 122–123, pp. 1-13, (2017). [Preprint Pdf file – 0.9 MB]
Schapira Y., Omer N. and Yosibash Z., “The T-stress along a 3-D straight crack”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 202, pp. 214-241, (2018). [Pdf file – 4.0 MB]
Omer N. and Yosibash Z., “Extracting stochastic stress intensity factors using generalized polynomial chaos”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 206, pp. 375–391, (2019). [Pdf file – 3.1 MB]
Schapira Y. and Yosibash Z., “Asymptotic solution of the elasticity equations in the vicinity of an elliptical crack front”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 211, pp. 463–477, (2019).
Schapira Y. and Yosibash Z., “Extracting edge flux intensity functions along part-elliptical 3-D cracks by the quasidual function method”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 226, p. 106815 , (2020). [Preprint Pdf file – 5.1 MB]
Schapira Y. and Yosibash Z., “Extracting edge flux intensity functions along an elliptical 3-D singular edge by the quasidual function method”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 228, 106812, (2020). [Preprint Pdf file – 3.5 MB]
Yosibash Z. and Schapira Y. , ``Edge stress intensity functions along elliptic and part-elliptic 3D cracks'', Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 245,, article 107477, (2021) [Preprint Pdf file - 4 MB]
Yosibash Z., Mendelovich V., Gilad I. and Bussiba A. , ``Can the finite fracture mechanics coupled criterion be applied to V-notch tips of a quasi-brittle steel alloy?", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 269, 108513, (2022). [Preprint Pdf file – 12 MB]
Hu, Tianchen, Dolbow John E. and Yosibash Z., "Towards validation of crack nucleation criteria from V-notches in quasi-brittle metallic alloys: energetics or strength?" , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 402, 115419, (2022), [Preprint Pdf file – 1.8 MB].
Mittelman Brigit, Rom Nitzan, Yosibash Z., and Priel Elad, ``Predicting Failure Initiation at V-notch Tips in an AISI 4340 Alloy by a Continuum Damage Model", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 302, 11067, (2024). [Preprint Pdf file – 5.1 MB]
Levy M., Vicentini F., and Yosibash Z. “Crack nucleation in heterogeneous bars: h- and p-FEA of a phase field model”, Computational Mechanics, 74, pages 661–681 [Pdf file – 2.6 MB]
Oleaga G, Mittelman B and Yosibash Z., ``Insights on kinked cracks under Mode III'', Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, In Press [Pdf file – 2.0 MB]
Levy M. and Yosibash Z. “Heterogeneous fracture toughness of human cortical bone tissue”, International Journal of Fracture, 249, article 17, (2025). [Pdf file – 5MB].
Computational/Experimental Biomechanics
Yosibash Z, Padan R., Joscowicz, L. and Milgrom, C., “A CT-based high-order finite element analysis of the human proximal femur compared to in-vitro experiments”, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 129 (3), pp. 297-309, (2007), [Draft preprint – 1.6 MB].
Yosibash Z, Trabelsi N. and Milgrom, C., “Reliable simulations of the human proximal femur by high-order finite element analysis validated by experimental observations”, Journal of Biomechanics, 40, pp. 3688-3699, (2007) [ Pdf file – 1.2 MB].
Medalion B., Tobar A., Yosibash Z. , Stamler A., Sharoni E., Snir E., Porat E. and Hochhauser E, “Vasoreactivity and histology of the radial artery: comparison of open versus endoscopic approaches”, European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 34, Issue 4, pp. 845-849 (2008) [ Pdf file – 886 KB].
Yosibash Z., Trabelsi N. and Hellmich C., “Subject-specific p-FE analysis of the proximal femur utilizing micromechanics based material properties”, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 6, Issue 5, pp. 483-498 (2008) [Pdf file – 1.0 MB].
Trabelsi N., Yosibash Z, and Milgrom, C., “Validation of subject specific automated p-FE analysis of the proximal femur”, Journal of Biomechanics, 42, pp. 234-241 (2009) [Pdf file – 1.7 MB].
Yosibash Z, Tal David and Trabelsi N., “Predicting the yield of the proximal femur using high-order finite element analysis with inhomogeneous orthotropic material properties”, Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society, A, 368, pp. 2707-2723 (2010) [Pdf file – 1.0 MB].
Trabelsi N., Yosibash Z, Wutte C., Augat P. and Eberle S., “Patient-specific finite element analysis of the human femur – A double-blinded biomechanical validation”, Journal of Biomechanics, 44, pp. 1666-1672 (2011) [Pdf file – 1.3 MB].
Trabelsi N. and Yosibash Z., “Patient-specific FE analyses of the proximal femur with orthotropic material properties validated by experiments”, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 (6), pp. 061101-1-11, (2011), [Preprint Pdf – 3.2 MB].
Yosibash Z. and Trabelsi N., “Reliable patient-specific simulations of the femur”, in Patient-Specific Modeling in Tomorrow’s Medicine, A. Gefen Editor, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-24617-3, pp. 3-26 (2012).
Ruess M., Tal D., Trabelsi N., Yosibash Z. and Rank, E., “The finite cell method for bone simulations: Verification and validation”, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 11(3), pp. 425-437, (2012) [Preprint Pdf – 1.4 MB].
Wille H., Rank E. and Yosibash Z., “Prediction of the mechanical response of the femur with uncertain elastic properties”, Journal of Biomechanics, 45(7), pp. 1140-1148, (2012) [Preprint Pdf – 824 KB].
Yosibash Z. and Priel E., “Artery active mechanical response: High order finite element implementation and investigation”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 237-240, pp. 51-66, (2012). [Preprint Pdf – 662 KB].
Yosibash Z., “p-FEMs in biomechanics: Bones and Arteries”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 249-252, pp. 169-184, (2012). [Preprint Pdf – 1.6 MB].
Yosibash Z., Katz A. and Milgrom C., “Towards Verified and Validated FE Simulations of a Femur with a Cemented Hip Prosthesis”, Medical Engineering and Physics, 35, pp. 978-987, (2013). [Preprint Pdf – 546 KB].
Trabelsi N., Milgrom, C. and Yosibash Z., “Patient-Specific FE Analyses of Metatarsal Bones with Inhomogeneous Isotropic Material Properties”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 29, pp. 177-189, (2014). [Preprint Pdf – 3.4 MB].
Yosibash Z., Plitman Mayo R. and Milgrom, C. “Atypical viscours fracture of human femurs”, Advances in Biomechanics with Applications, 1, pp. 77-83, (2014). [Preprint Pdf- 11 MB].
Yosibash Z., Manor Itai, Gilad Ilan and Willentz Udi, “Experimental evidence of the compressibility of arteries”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 39, pp. 339-354, (2014). [Preprint Pdf – 0.8 MB].
Yosibash Z., Plitman Mayo Romina, Dahan Gal, Trabelsi Nir, Amir Gail and Milgrom, Charles, “Predicting the stiffness and strength of human femurs with realistic metastatic tumors”, Bone, 69, pp. 180-190, (2014). [Preprint Pdf – 6.3 MB].
Yosibash Z., Wille H., and Rank E., “Stochastic description of the peak hip contact force during walking free and going upstairs”, Journal of Biomechanics, 48, pp. 1015-1022, (2015) [Preprint Pdf – 1.5 MB].
Sahar G., Shavit R., Yosibash Z., Novack L., Matsa M., Medalion B., Hochhauser E. and Aravot D. “The physiologic and histologic properties of the distal internal thoracic artery and its sub-divisions”, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, – 149, 1042-1050, (2015). [Preprint Pdf – 396KB].
Yosibash Z. ,”Chapter 20- Principles of finite element analysis”, Experimental research methods in orthopedics and trauma, edited by H. Simpson and P. Augat, Thieme press, ISBN 978-3-13-173111-1, pp. 145-155, 2015.
Yosibash Z., Myers K. and Levi Y. , “Computational bone mechanics: From the cloud to an orthopedists mobile device ”, M. Mehl et al. (eds.), Recent Trends in Computational Engineering – CE2014,, – Book chapter, 235-249, (2015). [ Pdf – 1 MB].
Wille H., Reuss M., Rank E. and Yosibash Z., “Uncertainty quantification for personalized analyses of human proximal femurs”, Journal of Biomechanics, 49, pp. 520-527, (2016) [Preprint Pdf – 2.9 MB].
Dahan G., Trabelsi N., Safran O. and Yosibash Z., “Verified and validated finite element analyses of humeri”, Journal of Biomechanics, 49, pp. 1094–1102, (2016) [Preprint Pdf – 1 MB].
Ofry Efraim Yossef, Mor Farajian, Ilan Gilad, Udi Willenz, Nimrod Gutman and Yosibash Z., “Further experimental evidence of the compressibility of arteries”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 65, pp. 177-189, (2017). [Preprint Pdf – 398 KB].
Cohen Y. C., Avivi I., Yosibash Z., Trabelsi N., Sherman H., and Sternheim A. “Novel CT-Based Bone Strength Assessment By Finite Element Analysis for Monitoring Bone Involvement in Myeloma: a Proof of Concept Study'”. Blood, 130(Suppl 1), p. 3143, (2017). http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/130/Suppl\_1/3143.
Sternheim A., Giladi O., Gortzak Y., Drexler M., Salai M., Trabelsi N., Milgrom C. and Yosibash Z., “Pathological fracture risk assessment in patients with femoral metastases using CT-based finite element methods. A retrospective clinical study”, Bone, 110, pp. 215-220, (2018). [Pdf file – 2.0 MB]
Katz Y., Lubovsky, O. and Yosibash Z., “Patient-specific finite element analysis of femurs with cemented hip implants”, Clinical Biomechanics, 58, pp. 74-89, (2018). [Pdf file – 2.6 MB]
Kudela L., Frischmann A., Yossef O., Kollmannsberger S., Yosibash Z. and Rank E., “Image-based mesh generation of tubular geometries under circular motion in refractive environments”, Machine Vision and Applications, 29, No. 5, pp. 719-733 , (2018). [Pdf file – 3.1 MB]
Katz Y., Dahan G., Sosna J., Shelef I., Cherniavsky E. and Yosibash Z., “Scanner influence on the mechanical response of QCT-based finite element analysis of long bones”, Journal of Biomechanics, 86, pp. 149–159, (2019) [Preprint Pdf – 2.6 MB].
Dahan G., Trabelsi N., Safran O., and Yosibash Z., “Finite element analyses for predicting anatomical neck fractures in the proximal humerus”, Clinical Biomechanics, 68, pp. 114-121, (2019) [Preprint Pdf – 2.9 MB].
Gilbert Rose Rogin, Grafenhorst Matthias, Hartmann S. and Yosibash Z., ” Simulating the temporal change of the active response of arteries by finite elements with high-order time-integrators”, Computational Mechanics, 64, pp. 1669-1684, (2019) [Preprint Pdf – 4.2 MB]
Shen Rilin, Waisman Haim, Yosibash Z. and Dahan Gal, “A novel phase field method for modeling the fracture of long bones”, Int. Jour. Num. Meth. Biomed. Eng., 35 (2019), pp. e3211 [Preprint Pdf – 0.6 MB]
Katz Y. and Yosibash Z., “New insights on the Proximal Femur Biomechanics using Digital Image Correlation”, Journal of Biomechanics, 101, (2020), p. 109599. [Preprint Pdf – 4.2 MB]
Sternheim Amir, Traub Frank, Trabelsi Nir, Gortzak Yair, Dadia Solomon, Snir Nimrod, Gorfine Malka and Yosibash Z., “When and where do patients with bone metastases actually break their femur? A CT-based finite element analysis of patients”, The Bone & Joint Journal, 102-B, No. 5, (2020) pp. 638-645. [Preprint Pdf – ??? MB]
Katz Y., Yosibash Z., Salai M., Snir N., “Strain Shielding for Cemented Implants”, Clinical Biomechanics, 77, pp. 105027, (2020) [Preprint Pdf – 3.9 MB].
Schermann Haggai, Gortzak Yair , Kollender Yehuda, Dadia Solomon, Trabelsi Nir, Yosibash Z. and Sternheim Amir, ” Patient specific CT-based finite element analysis: a new tool to assess fracture risk in benign bone lesions of the femur”, Clinical Biomechanics, 80, pp. 105155, (2020) [Preprint Pdf – 1.2 MB].
Rotman D., Arieli G., Rojas-Lievano J., Schermann H., Trabelsi N., Salai M.,Yosibash Z. and Sternheim A., ``Assessing hip fracture risk in type-2 diabetic patients using CT-based autonomous finite element methods - a feasibility study'', The Bone & Joint Journal, 103-B(9), pp. 1497-1504, (2021)
Dahan G., Safran O. and Yosibash Z., ``Can neck fractures in proximal humeri be predicted by CT-based FEA?", Journal of Biomechanics, 136, (2022), paper 111039. [Preprint Pdf – 3.3 MB]
Hug Lisa, Dahan Gal, Kollmannsberger Stefan, Rank Ernst, and Yosibash Z., "Predicting fracture in the proximal humerus using Phase Field Models”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 134, paper 105415, (2022). [Preprint Pdf – 5 MB]
Eliyahu L., Yosibash Z., Avivi I., Cohen C.Y., Ariel G., Sadovnic O. and Sternheim A., "On The Influence of CT-slice Thickness on CT-Based Finite Element Analyses Results", Clinical Biomechanics, 102, paper 105889, (2023) [Preprint Pdf – 2.7 MB].
Yosibash Z., Trabelsi N., Buchnik I., Myers K., Salai, M., Eshed I., Barashi Y., Klang, E., and Tripto-Shkolnik L., "Hip fracture risk assessment in elderly and diabetic patients: combining autonomous finite element analysis and machine learning", Jour. Bone Mineral Research, 38, No. 6, pp. 876 - 886 (2023) [Preprint Pdf – 2.2 MB].
Yosibash Z., Katz, Y, Trabelsi N., and Sternheim A., ``Femurs segmentation by machine learning from CT scans combined with autonomous finite elements in orthopedic and endocrinology applications'', Computers and Mathematics with Applications,152, 1-27, (2023). [PDF – 2.8 MB].
Rachmil O, Myers K, Meroz O, Sternheim A, and Yosibash Z., "The Influence of Femoral Lytic Tumors Segmentation on Autonomous Finite Element Analyses", Clinical Biomechanics, 112, paper 106192, (2024) [Preprint Pdf – 1.8 MB].
Rachmil O, Artzi M, Iluz M, Drukman I, Yosibash Z and Sternheim A, "Automatic Segmentation of Femoral Tumors by nnU-Net", Clinical Biomechanics, 116, paper 106265, (2024) [Preprint Pdf – 1.5 MB].
p-FEM: stress extraction, elasto-plasticity, etc.
Yosibash Z. and Szabo B. A., “Convergence of stress maxima in finite element computations”, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10, 683-697, (1994). [Pdf file – 4 MB]
Holzer S. M., and Yosibash Z., “The p-version of the finite element method in incremental elasto-plastic analysis”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 39, 1859-1878, (1996). [Pdf file – 1.2 MB]
Yosibash Z., “Accurate stress extraction for nearly incompressible materials by the displacement formulation of the FEM”, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 12, 807-826, (1996).
Yosibash Z., “Finite element stress extraction by the complementary energy principle”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40, No. 7, 1335-1354, (1997). [Pdf file – 368 KB]
Yosibash Z, Hartmann S., Heisserer U., Duester A., Rank E., Szanto M., “Axisymmetric pressure boundary loading for finite deformation analysis using p-FEM”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196, 1261-1277, (2007). [Pdf file – 921 KB]
Heisserer U., Hartmann S., Duester A. and Yosibash Z, “On volumetric locking-free behaviour of p-version finite elements under finite deformations”, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24, Issue 11, 1019-1032, (Nov. 2008). [Pdf file – 388 KB]
Heisserer U., Hartmann S., Duester A., Bier, W., Yosibash Z and Rank E., “p-FEM for finite deformation powder compaction”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197, 727-740, (2008). [Pdf file – 961 KB]
Szanto M., Bier W., Hartmann S., Frage N. and Yosibash Z, “Experimental based finite element simulation of cold isostatic pressing of metal powders”, Int. Jour. of Mechanical Sciences, 50, 405 – 421, (2008). [Pdf of file – 2.6 MB]
Dong S. and Yosibash Z, “A parallel spectral element method for dynamic three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity problems”, Computers and Structures, 87, 59-72, (2009). [Pdffile – 1.6MB]
Yosibash Z. and Priel E., “p-FEMs for hyperelastic anisotropic nearly incompressible materials under finite deformations with applications to arteries simulation”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 88, No. 11, 1152-1174, (2011). [Pdf file – 429 KB]
Yosibash Z., Weiss D. and Hartmann S., “High-order FEMs for thermo-hyperelasticity at finite strains”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 67, 477-496, (2014). [Preprint PDF – 0.95 MB]
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Plates – boundary layers, eigen-frequencies, hierarchical model (von-Karman non-linear plate model)
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