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Present PhD Students

Present MSc Students

PhD. Alumni

  1. Dr. Netta Omer (PhD conferred Dec 07) - Senior lecturer @ Afeka College of Engineering.
    Edge Singularities in Elasiticy in 3-D Domains.

  2. Dr. Nir Trabelsi (PhD conferred March 12) – Senior lecturer and Head of ME Dept @ Sami Shamoon College of Eng & PerSimiO.
    The Mechanical Response of Proximal Femurs: Finite Element Analyses Validated by Experimental Observations.

  3. Dr. Elad Priel (PhD conferred April 12) - At Rotem Industries and senior lecturer @Sami Shamoon College of Engineering.
    Investigating Passive and Active Responses of Artery Walls by p-Finite Element Methods.

  4. Dr. Brigit Mittelman (Ben-Ami) (PhD entitled Oct 15) – At Kamag.
    On 3-D Singularities and Their Connection to Failure Initiation.

  5. Dr. Samuel Shanon (PhD entitled Jan 16) – at Agada Medical.
    Singular Solutions of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Along Curved Edges in 3-D Domains. 

  6. Dr. Yaron Schapira (PhD entitled June 20) - Post Doc, TUHH&TUM Germany - now at Sorek Research Center.
    Elastic solutions in the vicinity of 3-D singular edges. Recipient of the Humboldt award for PD 2020.

  7. Dr. Yekutiel Katz (PhD entitled June 21) - At a drone start-up.                                                                                                                 The mechanical response of a femur with an implant.

  8. Dr. Gal Dahan (PhD entitled June 21) - Lecturer @Sami Shamoon College of Engineering                                                                    The mechanical response of human proximal humeri.

MSc Alumni

  1. Mr. Nir Rotem (MSc conferred June 02) – Continued to El-Op Comp.
    Towards Numerical Simulation of HIP Processes, densification of powder material, using HKS/Abaqus – Funded project.

  2. Mr. Ofer Adan (MSc conferred April 02) - Continued to Applied Materials Comp. (Co-supervision with Dr. Schneck – Material Eng Dept.)
    Thermo-Elastic Failure Investigation of Electronic Components, using Stress Check – Funded project.

  3. Ms. Netta Omer (MSc conferred Oct 03) – Continued to a PhD degree.
    Edge Flux Intensity Functions in 3-D Domains.

  4. Mr. Meidad Korengold (MSc conferred Jan 04) – Continued to NRCN
    Large Plastic Deformations of Metals, using ABAQUS – Funded project.

  5. Ms. Elena Urman (MSc conferred July 04) – Continued to PhD in Appl. Math.
    Numerical simulation of engineering problems with singular points.

  6. Mrs. Michal Peleg-Lubovsky (MSc conferred May 05) - Continued to Teva Industries.
    On constitutive laws for the carotid artery – Funded project.

  7. Mr. Royi Fedida (MSc conferred Feb 06) - Continued to Rafael Industries.
    Finite element analysis of a healthy and fractured femora bone – Funded project.

  8. Mr. Elad Priel (MSc conferred Aug 07) – Continued to a PhD degree. Senior Lecturer at Shamoon College of Engineering.
    Mechanical failure criteria for brittle elastic materials containing V-notches under mixed mode loading – Funded project.

  9. Ms. Shani Weissberg (MSc conferred Oct 10) – Continued to Systematics LTD. Continued to a PhD degree.
    Finite element analysis for a plastic process with large strains.

  10. Ms. Brigit Ben-Ami (MSc conferred Oct 10) – Continued to a PhD degree.
    Failure initiation in 3-D elastic brittle structures – Funded project.

  11. Mr. David Tal (MSc conferred Apr 11) – Completed a PhD degree at Columbia, USA.
    Yield laws for the human femur – Funded project.

  12. Mr. Alon Katz (MSc conferred Aug 11) – Moved to the USA – Studies towards a PhD degree at Georgia Tech.
    The mechanical response of femurs fixed by metallic devices.

  13. Mrs. Romina Plitman Mayo (MSc conferred Aug 13) – Completed a PhD at Cambridge, England.
    Predicting the mechanical response of human femurs with metastatic tumors using patient-specific p-FEMs – Funded project.

  14. Mr. Natan Levin (MSc conferred June 15) – In the IDF.
    On hole-bone failure laws for human femurs.

  15. Ms. Hadar Frenkel (MSc conferred June 15) - at El-Op.
    Towards implementation of a structural constitutive law in a FE model of the heart.

  16. Mr. Itay Manor (MSc conferred June 15) – At Rafael. 
    Experiments to determine the mechanical properties of arteries – GIF funded project.

  17. Mr. Yosi Levi (MSc conferred June 16)  – Studies  towards a PhD degree in Industrial Eng at TAU.                                            Development of a Java p-FE code for the analysis of bones and arteries.

  18. Ms. Sigal David (MSc conferred June 17)  (Co-Supervised by Kobi Bortman) – At IAI.
    Failure laws of pultrusion composites – MAFAT funded project.

  19. Mr. Ofry Yoseph (MSc conferred June 17 ) (Co-Supervised by prof. Gidi Sahar – Soroka Medical Center)
    On the passive and active constitutive laws of arteries – GIF funded project.

  20. Mr. Snir Lugasi (MSc conferred June 17 ) (Co-Supervised by Kobi Bortman) – At Rafael.
    Mechanical properties of pultrusion composites – MAFAT funded project.

  21. Mr. Itay Yacobi (MSc conferred June 18) – At IAI.
    A Java based p-FE code. 

  22. Mr. Or Shaviv (MSc conferred June 20) – At Nvidia.
    Insights on Micromechanical Models of Active Response of Arteries.

  23. Ms. Shirli Cherevatsky (MSc conferred June 21) - At IAI.                                                                                                                  Experimental and numerical investigation of delamination in pultruded composites & insights on phase-field methods - MAFAT funded project.

  24. Ms. Vered Mendelovich (MSc conferred Dec 21).                                                                                                                                    Failure initiation at V-notch tips in materials with a SSY - ISF funded project.

  25. Ms. Leetal Eliahu (MSc conferred March 23).                                                                                                                                                FEA of femurs in the context of multiple myeloma - Ichilov funded project.

  26. Mrs. Sahar Benjamin-Amsterdam (MSc conferred March 23) - at Pi-Cardia.                                                                                               FEA of a functional spine unit.

  27. Mr. Aviad Galer (MSc conferred June 23) - CEO of a Start-Up.                                                                                                                        Experimental investigation of active response of arteries​

  28. Mr. Oren Rachmil (MSc conferred 24) - Algorithmic group at a Cyber-security Japanese company.                                                       Autonomous finite element analyses of femurs with metastatic tumors - MOST funded project (Italy-Israel collaboration).

  29. Ms. Arielle Feder (MSc conferred 24) - At a Medical Device Company.                                                                                                    The biomechanical response of the human lumbar spine: An experimental-numerical study